
10 Discussion Posts

Learning Objectives

  • Explore strategies for conducting research, evaluating evidence, and engaging in media literacy.

  • Evaluate arguments in a text, including the validity of the reasoning, and the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

Chapter & Discussion

This chapter includes a presentation that can be navigated in a classroom setting or independently. You can access the presentation via the link below.

Writing a Strong Discussion Post

Work through the different sections of the chapter and discuss ideas and topics as they arise. If you’re working independently, take notes instead. Notes and active discussion will be helpful in navigating this week’s assignments.

What is a Discussion Post?

Classes will often ask you to create a discussion post relevant to your current topic of study. In these settings, you can respond to the ideas of other classmates as well.

The goal of these assignments is to promote conversation and idea sharing.

You’ll typically respond to a prompt and be asked to show critical thinking and provide evidence for your ideas.

Creating a strong response for these assignments is an important skill that can translate to many other settings in the workforce and in social life.

Can you think of some examples of situations where this skill could translate?


Before you respond, it’s important to do some thinking and some planning.

First, consider the prompt and think critically about your position. This is your big idea: something you have to say about this topic that is:

  • Interesting
  • Consequential
  • Debatable
  • Specific

You will need to do some research on your idea and take time to consider your thoughts.


Topic Sentence. This is your opportunity to state your position about the prompt. Be clear and direct.

Paragraph About Your Claim
State the first big reason you believe your position is true.
Then, go deeper, providing a little more depth and background information
Now, provide an argument- a defense of your claim in your own words
Then, provide evidence- a defense of your claim from someone else (that you learned via research)

Paragraph About Another Claim. If you have a second claim, you can follow the above format to defend it.

Tie It In. Finally, add a sentence that explains how your claims build a strong case for your position.


Prompt: Do you believe that community radio offers a better service than commercial radio? Why or why not?

Community radio offers a significantly better service than commercial radio because its programming and activities directly support the public.

One major way that community radio supports the public is through underwriting. This is a form of advertising in which radio hosts read a short message about a local organization in exchange for a donation to the station. It is different from traditional advertising in that it is substantially cheaper. This offers more access to more businesses to participate. A single 30-second commercial advertising spot purchased from DX Direct costs businesses around $400 (DX Media, 2018), whereas an underwriting announcement on local KXCI can run up to ten 25-second spots for as little as $100 (KXCI, 2023).

More access means more involvement with local businesses. They form a symbiotic relationship in this situation, which offers a service to the community radio station and the community alike.

Assigned Reading

Here are this week’s readings. Additionally, please read for your own personal enjoyment for 1/2 hour each day. This will be called your “Reading Zone” reading and it will coincide with many upcoming activities.

Evaluating Evidence by John Green (via Crash Course)


Assignment: Evaluating Evidence (250 Words)

Watch Crash Course: Navigating Digital Information- Evaluating Evidence.

For this discussion, I’d like you to think about two things:

  1. A fact that you are 100% sure about

  2. Something you’ve heard but have never looked up

Now, I’d like you to look up both. What is the best evidence you could find on your facts? Which had a better body of evidence? How do you know? Did one of your facts turn out to be false?

Assignment: Reading Zone Response (250 Words)

For Reading Zone, you must find a novel that is interesting to you and enjoyable to read. If you need help finding a Reading Zone book, please ask. Please read your Reading Zone book for a half-hour each day. On class days, there will be time in class dedicated to reading.

Create a response to this week’s reading that addresses the following prompts:

  1. In one paragraph, summarize what you’ve read this week

  2. In a second paragraph, discuss the communication style of one or two of the characters in your book.


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