Book Title: Open ELA

Subtitle: A Complete and Open Course in Reading and Language Arts for Instructors and Self-Directed Learners in Adult Basic Education Settings

Author: Alexander Greengaard

Cover image for Open ELA

Book Description: Open ELA is a complete course in Reading and Language Arts for instructors and self-directed learners in Adult Basic Education settings. These materials are designed to aid students in completing the GED exam and to support college and career pathways.

Public Domain


Book Information

Book Description

Open ELA is a complete course in Reading and Language Arts for instructors and self-directed learners in Adult Basic Education settings. These materials are designed to aid students in completing the GED exam and to support college and career pathways. This course includes resources for the Reading and Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science portions of the GED exam. It also includes GED Study Guides and lessons contextualized to college and career exploration and readiness. Open ELA covers six units of study: Understanding Literature, Intro to Communications, Metacognitive Reading, Film & Television Studies, Reading for Science & Social Studies, and Journalism.


Alexander Greengaard


Icon for the Public Domain license

This work (Open ELA by Alexander Greengaard) is free of known copyright restrictions.


Adult education, continuous learning


Open ELA
Alexander Greengaard

Icon for the Public Domain license

This work (Open ELA by Alexander Greengaard) is free of known copyright restrictions.

Primary Subject
Adult education, continuous learning
Pima Community College
Pima Open Digital Press
Publication Date
March 30, 2024