
25 Module 3: Drafting

During the second module in each unit, we’ll draft an essay for our main activity.

Step 1 – Discussions

Before you begin drafting, complete these discussion posts. Along with Discussions 2A and 2B, these discussion posts are designed as prewriting activities for this first essay to help you explore ideas you might want to consider in the paper.

Discussion 3A – Consider the Context

Take another look at the supplemental readings for the Reading Strand you selected in Module 2.

For one of the primary readings, consider how information or ideas that you learned through the supplemental reading helps you better understand the primary reading.

In this discussion post, share at least one idea or item of information that you learned from the supplemental readings. Write about how learning this changed or deepened your understanding of the primary reading.

Remember to mention the titles and authors of both the primary and supplemental readings in the first paragraph of your entry. Also, please include at least two quotations from the texts in your response. See the “Notes on Quotations” for more info on including quotations in your writing.

Respond to at least one other student’s discussion post.

Notes on Quotations

Discussion 3B – Prewriting

Think of this discussion post as a prewriting activity for the essay you will draft in this module.

In this discussion post, address some of these questions:

  • What is the main point you hope to present in your essay?
  • What are the main items of support?
  • What are some of the best quotations you’ve found from the primary source(s) to illustrate your points? Choose at least three.
  • Are you using any support from the supplemental readings or other secondary sources that you’ve found? If so, what, and how does this tie into your main point?
  • What ideas do you want to bounce off others before you begin drafting?
  • What questions do you have that you’d like other students’ or your instructor’s feedback on?

Be sure to mention the title and author’s name of the primary source you’ll be writing about in your paper.

Respond to at least one other student’s discussion post.

Step 3 – Draft Your Paper

The Unit 1 essay is a Close Reading essay. You will be drafting and revising this essay in Module 3. See What We Write About When We Write About Literature and Five Ways of Looking at a Thesis.

Here are the instructions for the Close Reading essay:

  1. Choose one of the readings from Module 2 and identify a theme in that reading.
  2. Develop a thesis that makes a claim about the theme you’ve chosen.
  3. Write an essay to support your claim that uses examples from the text to persuade readers that your interpretation and analysis of the story, poem, essay, or journal is acceptable.
  4. The essay must be 3-5 pages.
  5. Use MLA Style for this essay. That means double-spaced, Times New Roman font in size 12, with all works cited in MLA format.
  6. The paper should have a clear, concise focus, and each paragraph should present a unique point which supports your focus.
  7. Illustrate and support each point you make with examples and quotations from the text. You cannot succeed in this assignment if you don’t quote from the text.
  8. Quotations must be properly formatted and cited, using MLA style citation. Use in-text parenthetical documentation and a Works Cited list.
  9. The essay should have few or no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Optional, Supplemental Readings

(Note: These readings are not required. They are available if you would like more information about writing.)

If you would like to read more about prewriting, annotating, and drafting, read these supplemental lessons.

These optional, supplemental lessons discuss developing a the thesis statement:


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