Theme Glossary

Heading 1 – use for Section Headers

Heading 2 – Use for Example, Definition, and Try It Now titles

Heading 3 – Use for solution in Example and Try It Now

Heading 4 – Free to Use

Heading 5 – Free to Use
Heading 6


  • Unordered List
    • Subitem
  1. Ordered List
    1. Subitem


Block Quote

This is class plainblock used for quotes on page or to call out text that isn’t a definition

Standard Textbox


Shaded Textbox

Example #

Type your examples here.


text for the solution area.

Try It Now #

Type your exercises here.

Answer (click to Show/Hide)

Answer goes here.

Use for Definitions, but called Key Takeaways textbox

Type your key takeaways here.

Learning Objectives

Type your learning objectives here.

  • First
  • Second



Below is using the details and summary elements to show/hide on clicks. In the answer the exerciseanswer class is used to box in an answer. This is to be used in the answer for the exercises at the bottom of page.

Answer (click to Show/Hide)

Answer here

Here is some content outside the accordion container.



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Topics in Mathematics Copyright © by Robert Foth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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