
17 ­­­­REA091 CLO Common Assessments for eLumen

Course Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply a strategic approach to the development of academic and personal vocabulary.
  2. Demonstrate analytical and evaluative comprehension through text analysis.
  3. Develop a variety of study strategies and apply them to content area texts.
  4. Develop, analyze, and apply metacognitive (reading/thinking) process and attitudes toward reading.
  5. Locate, access and use needed information.
  6. Participate in a community of readers.

CLO Measurement and Reporting

Use the measurement described below to assess each of your students for each CLO as indicated.  Record your data in eLumen.  Access eLumen from the icon on the dashboard of your MyPima page.  Select your class CRN.  For CLOs 1, 2, and 3 mark each student as exceeds criteria, meets criteria or fails to meet criteria based on the standards explained below. For CLOs 4, 5. And 6 mark each student as pass or fail. Each CLO has different standards.

CLO Assessment Standards
1 A quiz or test on 50 or more college level words at the knowledge and application levels. Instructors may select or create tests at their discretion. Exceeds (4) 71-100%, Meets (3) 70%, Does not meet (2) 0-69%, Does not meet (1) did not take assessment, N/A registered but not attending
2 Final Course Grade Exceeds (4) 80% and above, Meets (3) 70-79%, Does not meet (2) 69.9% or below,
3 Rubric Exceeds (4) 8 points and above, Meets (3) 7 points, Does not meet (2) 6 points and below, Does not meet (1) did not complete assignment, N/A registered but not attending
4 Student self-evaluation in the form of a survey Pass/Fail: In order to Pass (1) a student must answer “true” to at least 3/5 questions on the survey, Fail (0) answer “true” to 2 or fewer questions, N/A registered but not attending
5 Rubric Pass/Fail: In order to Pass (1) a student must score “Yes” or “Somewhat” in each of the categories, Fail (0) “No” in any category, N/A registered but not attending
6 Instructor Observation Pass/Fail: In order to Pass (1), student must make a substantive comment* in a minimum of three discussions. Discussions may be face-to-face, virtual, or online. Fail (0) if makes makes less than three substantive comments or does not participate. N/A student is registered but not attending.

CLO#3 Text Marking Rubric

Yes (2) Somewhat (1) No (0)
Identifies main (key) ideas by clearly marking text
Identifies important supporting details
Makes annotations that differentiate main ideas from details.
Includes notes in the margins which (a) summarize and categorize main ideas, (b) paraphrase main ideas, (c) ask questions, and/or (d) indicate personal connections or response to what has been read
Identifies key vocabulary

CLO#4 Survey

This survey is available to preview and add to instructors’ D2L course shell.  It is located in D2L under Ongoing (located after the semester codes.)

  •       Select COMMUNICATION_1
  •       Next select the Assessments tab and Quizzes under the dropdown menu.
  •       The survey is titled REA 091 #4 End of Semester Survey.
  •       To add the survey to your course shell, select Course Resources>Course Admin>Import/Export/Copy Components, or request IT assistance.
  •       The survey should not be directly connected to the gradebook. Students may receive credit for having completed the survey, but should not be graded based on their responses. (You can add it to your gradebook in D2L separately, not linking it to the survey, and hand enter student scores.)

CLO#5 Information Literacy Rubric



Somewhat No


The project* answers a research question, contains a thesis, or contains a main idea statement.
Information for the project is derived from a minimum of three sources of different types**.
The project contains a bibliography/works cited page with MLA or APA citations correctly formatted.


CLO#5 Notes:

*Project should teach information literacy skills and may include a research essay, research summary, research presentation, inquiry project, or annotated bibliography.

**source types include but are not limited to encyclopedia entries, magazine/journal/newspaper articles, valid and reliable websites, interviews and documentaries.

This will be entered in eLumen as pass/fail.  In order to pass, student must score Somewhat or Yes in each of the three categories.

CLO#6 Notes:

*A substantive comment must add something new to the conversation, change direction of the conversation, connect conversation to personal experience or other texts, etc.  Comments such as “Good answer,” “I (dis)agree,” “Yes,” “No,” and “I don’t know” are not considered substantive by themselves.

Source Document


Reading Department Guidebook Copyright © by Elliot Mead. All Rights Reserved.