
11 Professional Development

Faculty/Adjunct Faculty Professional Enrichment Funds Instructions


Step 1 Faculty: Fund Balances (Adjunct go to Step 2) 1. Contact Travel Services at pcc-travel@pima.edu to receive your faculty professional enrichment fund balance. 2. Submit a Concur Non-travel or Travel Request (a faculty enrichment application is not required unless you are requesting faculty enrichment reserve funds). 3. When your Concur request is approved, you may continue with your purchase(s).

Step 2: Faculty/Adjunct Faculty Application Process 1. Dean or Department Head, submit a fully signed Faculty or Adjunct Faculty Enrichment Fund application WITH supporting documentation to the faculty enrichment office. a. Fall 2023: Josie Pallanes (jgpallanes@pima.edu); and Dr. Brian Stewart (bstewart@pima.edu). 2. The materials are reviewed for completeness and clarity; if there are questions the applicant/department head will be contacted. 3. The application is then submitted to a committee for review and recommendation. That recommendation goes to the faculty enrichment administrator for final approval.

Step 3: Faculty/Adjunct Faculty Approval 1. You will be notified by the faculty enrichment office if approved or denied. a. If denied, changes may be required for approval. This information will be shared with you and your Department Head/Dean. b. If approved, you will be notified of the next steps. 2. Travel Services will be copied on your approval email and may contact you with additional questions or requirements. a. If you have questions or need guidance on making your purchase(s) or starting your travel plans, email pcc-travel@pima.edu or visit the Travel and Expense Management page on the College’s intranet site. 3. If there are changes please contact Josie Pallanes.

Additional Instructions on what to include with your Faculty Enrichment Reserve Fund application

1. Both estimates for payment or reimbursement are allowable.

2. The time period is within a fiscal year (e.g. July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023). a. Previous years cannot be covered (except during extraordinary circumstances). b. An application for the next year may be delayed until that years’ funding is determined.

3. Signatures are required, not printed names. Adobe sign is acceptable. a. Admin support can assist in this process. Revised July 2023 Faculty/Adjunct Faculty Professional Enrichment Funds Instructions

4. In order for the application to go to the committee for approval, all requested expenses must be included. a. Whether you are submitting an estimate or reimbursement, all supporting documents are required. See the Travel Manual for examples.

5. Supporting documents include: a. Screenshots or print outs of flight, hotel, transportation, and registration estimates, etc.. b. All taxes and fees should be included on all estimates and/or actuals. c. If requesting reimbursement, actual receipts must be provided including tax and fee itemization.

6. College issued Travel (T&E card) credit cards are required to be used for all travel related purchases. If you are an adjunct faculty who is requesting a reimbursement for a purchase, email pcc-travel@pima.edu. If you need help applying for a T&E card, please contact your admin support or Travel Services (pcc-travel@pima.edu) and you can find details under the Travel Services Intranet.

Special Situations

1. International Travel a. Approval must first be obtained through your executive leadership for international travel. Contact your Dean for details on that process. b. Once international travel approval is granted, you may submit your application for faculty enrichment reserve funds. c. Please follow the guidelines for enrichment funds outlined above, including all additional costs associated with international travel.

2. Next Year Applications a. Sometimes a conference or event is in the next fiscal year and funding is needed early. b. Please contact the Faculty Enrichment Office to advise on the best options for those future conferences.

3. Previous Year Reimbursements a. Typically previous year reimbursements are not allowable. b. There are special situations that may qualify. Please contact the Faculty Enrichment Office for a consultation. For additional information, please visit the Faculty Professional Development Section and the Adjunct Professional Development Section in the Employee Handbook. Revised July 2023


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