3 Syllabus Information
Our Process: SimpleSyllabus
PCC uses SimpleSyllabus to manage syllabi for every course. SimpleSyllabus is embedded in D2L and enables us to maintain an accessible, living record for our students. More information about Simple Syllabus is available: PCC Simple Syllabus Resources & Training
Example Syllabi
- Sample syllabus one and two for ACL080
- Syllabus and Schedule of Work: REA091 Online
- Syllabus and Schedule of Work for REA112 Online
Creating a Welcoming Syllabus
A syllabus is usually our first chance to give learners an impression of a course and how we conduct it. In addition to providing course policies, learning objectives, and other goals, a well-designed syllabus can demonstrate teaching style, values, and class commitments. Below are resources to consider as you prepare it: