
9 Planned and Unplanned Absences

The College provides sick leave for all employees which will accrue from the first day of employment, based on the calculations in the Sick Leave policy of the Employee Handbook, and I encourage you use the benefit for your continued wellness.

If you are unable to teach a class, whether you are sick or for another reason, please notify me as soon as possible and follow the protocol linked below. This goes for Online courses as well! If you will not be able to be present in your Online classes for over 48 consecutive hours (during the business week) then we can have someone fill in, helping provide instruction, direction, feedback, and grading while you are out.

Process, in a Nutshell

With notice, we will make an attempt to find a substitute to facilitate your class for that time. If we do, you’ll need to complete and submit the Substitution Request Form, and remember to fill out a timesheet for that period (Timesheet How-To).  If no instructor is available to take on the class(es) then we may explore alternative modalities for learning course materials so that students still meet Federal credit hour requirements.


1. Call 206-6055 each day that you are absent and follow the prompts given. If calling after hours, leave a message with the following information:


2. Notify your Department Head each day of your absence.*

3. A cancelled class notice will be posted on your classroom door(s) with your instructions for class assignment(s) for that day only.

4. Arrange for a substitute if absent for more than one day (complete the “Substitution Form” which is available from any Campus Resource Center or your Dept. Head/Disc. Coord.)

5. Complete a timesheet for your missed classes. Missed class time will be deducted through payroll.

*unless specific time period previously arranged with Department Head and Coordinator.


Absence Procedure (SoP)

Substitution Request Form

Class Absences/Sick Leave FAQ

Employee Handbook: Faculty General Responsibilities

Calculation of Substitute Pay

Substitute pay for teaching a class in a traditional face-to-face modality shall be computed based on the load of the class, including any adjustments (e.g., large enrollment), multiplied by the Overload Rate, divided by the number of times the class is scheduled to meet during the term.

Substitute pay for teaching each day of an online class shall be computed based on the load of the class, including any adjustments (e.g., large enrollment), multiplied by the established Overload Rate, divided by the number of days the class is scheduled to run (i.e., non-holiday weekdays).

A combination of the above two procedures will be used to compute substitute pay in hybrid classes in proportion with how the course is scheduled and work performed by the substitute.

Substitute pay for teaching in an open center shall be a flat rate as specified in the table below:

  • Lecture Load Only $50
  • Lecture/Lab Load Mix $43
  • Laboratory Load Only $35

The rates specified are for 50-minute instructional periods and are based upon the current Overload Rate, the meeting time for the traditional-length semester, and the Course Type of the class covered. In the event that the substitute provides coverage for longer than a 50-minute period, the clock hour rate can be obtained by multiplying the appropriate rate from the table by a factor of 1.2.

Substitute pay for Educational Support Faculty non-teaching activities and responsibilities shall be based on the hourly Non-Teaching Supplemental Rate (see above).


Reading Department Guidebook Copyright © by Elliot Mead. All Rights Reserved.