
5 Embedded Student Support

This chapter covers three types of embedded student support: Online Success Coaches, Embedded Tutors for virtual and F2F classes, and Pima Connect

Online Success Coaches

Online Success Coaches support your course by helping students with topics related to their academic success. They host one-on-one virtual student meetings both by student request and faculty referral. These meetings provide a space for online success coaches to employ active listening techniques to better understand a learners situation and curate resources and guidance that addresses their needs.

Face to Face & Virtual Embedded Tutors

Coaches are embedded in selected classes and available to students for drop-in appointments.  Success coaches are located at each campus.  They are embedded in selected classes and are available to students to work one-on-one.  They help connect students to college resources and services, work on study skills and strategies, and help to develop and achieve student goals.


PimaConnect is a case management tool that provides a way for students to connect to their success network and for a student’s success network to connect with them. PimaConnect is also the system PCC uses for Early Alerts. This page is designed to help you become comfortable with the system, learn how to build your profile and access your student information and explains the early alert process for faculty.


Reading Department Guidebook Copyright © by Elliot Mead. All Rights Reserved.