Chapter 4: Culturally Responsive Design
This chapter focuses on the “Doing” aspects of culturally responsive pedagogy: actionable and intentional teaching methods that cultivate a sense of care, support, and value for learners and the cultures they represent.
For Reflection
Questions to ask to advance your curriculum and course design methods:
- How can I guide learners in developing possible solutions to real-world problems?
- How do the projects, assignments, and assessments I use empower and prepare students to solve problems in their lives, their communities, and in the world?
- How does my professional practice connect knowledge to students’ daily lives, including experiences with oppression and injustice?
- Does my professional practice develop students’ self-efficacy, critical consciousness, and motivation to challenge the status quo?
- How can I further develop this competency?
For Further Reading
Centering theories of learning to design humanizing pedagogies and inclusive assessments by Christina H. Paguyo et al.