

There are 8 discussion topics in the Discussions area that are counted as part of your grade. Each unit discussion is worth up to 50 points for a semester total of 400 points, or 39% of your total grade (see Syllabus for detailed grading rules in this course).

Discussion posts must be submitted through this course by the dates and times listed in the Schedule of Work. No late posts will be accepted.

In order to be eligible to earn full points, you must answer the discussion question using at least two references (you may reference information from your textbooks). All posts must reflect critical analysis and the use of parenthetically referenced research with page numbers or websites. Use of online academic sources is appropriate, but Wikipedia is not allowed.

You must make at least four quality comments on two different days. Remember that quality does not necessarily mean long; also, avoid using short statements such as, “I agree” to respond to a comment. Responses should be reflections of your understanding of the materials you have read. Points will be deducted for misspelled words and improper grammar. Take advantage of this Discussion Rubric as a guideline to help you create quality discussion postings.

Guidelines on posting: First, post your response to the module discussion questions in the Discussion section of this course. In the days after your posting, you must read your classmates’ responses and respond to three (3) or more of those postings. Respond at least two or three times per week so the instructor sees your online participation throughout the week (and that you are not posting all your responses on only one day).

Hints for success: Do the required activities (e.g., readings, videos) the week before or early in the week of the module discussion. You will have background information necessary to carry on interesting and informed discussions. Participate actively and thoughtfully in the discussions during the week.

Quality of Initial Post
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Not Submitted / No Participation

Initial comment fully addresses all aspects of the discussion.

Comment includes many personal or professional experiences.

strates excellent critical thinking skills through multiple examples and ideas.

Excellent discussion of course readings or other resources if appropriate.

13 points possible

Initial comment addresses most aspects of the discussion.

Comment includes some personal or professional experience.

strates adequate critical thinking through some examples and ideas.

Good discussion of course readings or other resources if appropriate.

10 points possible

Initial comment addresses part of the discussion or assigned readings.

Comment includes minimal personal or professional experience.

strates minimal critical thinking with minimal examples and ideas.

Minimal discussion of course readings or other resources if appropriate.

8 points possible

Initial comment minimally addresses discussion.

Comment does not include personal or professional experience.

Does not demonstrate critical thinking.

No discussion of course readings or other resources if appropriate.

5 points possible

No postings submitted OR posting(s) submitted after the due date.

0 points

Quality of Response Postings
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Not Submitted / No Participation

Responses are highly reflective, insightful and add to the discussion in a meaningful way.

13 points possible

Responses are reflective, insightful and add to the discussion in a meaningful way.

10 points possible

Responses are minimally reflective or insightful and do not significantly add to the discussion in a meaningful way.

8 points possible

Responses are present but are not reflective or insightful and don’t add to the discussion in a meaningful way.

5 points possible

No postings submitted OR posting(s) submitted after the due date.

0 points

Organization of All Posts
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Not Submitted / No Participation

Information is exceptionally well-organized; spelling and grammar are correct and complete sentences are used. Proper citations are effectively used.

12 points possible

Information is well-organized; 1-2 spelling and/or grammar mistakes are evident. Complete sentences are used. Proper citations are used.

10 points possible

Organization is scattered; 3-5 spelling and/or grammar mistakes are evident. Some incomplete sentences used. Citations are used.

7 points possible

Information is not well-organized; more than 5 spelling and/or grammar mistakes are evident. Incomplete sentences used. No citations.

5 points possible

No postings submitted OR posting(s) submitted after the due date.

0 points

Posting Quantity and Timeliness of All Posts
Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Not Submitted / No Participation

Initial posting and at least three responses. All postings made on at least two different days before the due date.

12 points possible

Initial posting and two responses. All postings made on at least two different days before the due date.

10 points possible

Initial posting and two responses. All postings made on the same day on or before the due date.

7 points possible

Initial posting and one or no responses. All postings made on or before the due date.

5 points possible

No postings submitted OR posting(s) submitted after the due date.

0 points


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