
Student Resources & Community

Student success depends on access to resources. As an adjunct faculty member, you can expect students to ask for academic advice as well as advice on personal problems. This section contains information about the resources available to students (link here), so that you can learn about these services and refer students.

Each campus has a Student Development division which houses the Student Services Center (link here) or information area. Personnel in this area can answer questions and make referrals. Call 520-206-6408 or email virtualsupport@pima.edu (link here)

Advising & Counseling

Every student is assigned an advisor or counselor based on their course of study, unless they are not taking classes for a degree or certificate. However, every student is able to get help by visiting the student services center on campus or emailing questions through Contact an Advisor. (link here)

Advisors and counselors can help with:

    • Admission and Registration
    • Transcripts and Transferring
    • Choosing a Major
    • Career Services
    • Financial Aid
    • Job and Internship Placement
    • College Success
    • Student Wellness Assistance Program
    • Personal Challenges (Substance Abuse, Sexual Assault, Relationships, Anger, etc.)
    • Crisis Support
    • Referrals off campus for community services

You can learn more about these services by visiting the Advising and Counseling (link here) website.


The on-campus Eastside Health Clinic (link here) is open to Pima students, staff, faculty, and the public. Sliding fees are available for those without insurance.

Dental Hygiene Clinic (link here) provides low-cost therapeutic and preventive services.

ULifeline (link here) is an online resource for information on suicide prevention, drugs and mental health.

Mental health or personal crisis resources (link here).

Aztec Resource Center (ARC) and Food Pantry

To learn effectively, students must have their basic needs met: food, clothing, shelter and safety. Some students have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient and nutritious food to eat every day. Any PCC student or employee, with an A#, facing food and/or hygiene insecurity can come to, or contact, the ARC Resource Center (ARC) Food Pantry at the West Campus and Desert Vista Campus. In addition, the ARC has information about various community services and local community food pantries. For more information, email pcc-arcpantry@pima.edu or call 520.206.6720.

The Immigrant and Refugee Student Resource Center (IRSRC)

PCC’s IRSRC (link here) wants to connect immigrant and refugee students to resources that help them start and finish their college careers, regardless of their immigration status. IRSRC can help students find ways to pay for school, complete a DACA renewal application, etc. Also, the University of Arizona Immigrant Student Resource Center has worked with the Tucson Community Rapid Response network to compile some valuable information so people know their rights (link here). For help, contact pcc-irsrc@pima.edu (link here) or call 520-206-7312.

The Learning Centers

Free academic support to all Pima students can be found at the Campus Learning Centers, located at each campus and virtually. The Campus Learning Centers are places of connection and support for all students regardless of their need. Normalizing connections with our Learning Centers helps to build a supportive community with fellow students and contributes to their academic success and learning journey. Students can connect with learning support in-person at each campus, virtually through our Virtual Learning Center, or through our online partner, NetTutor.

Information for PCC Tutoring and Learning Centers can be found at this link (link here) and is also available in the following:

    • within D2L on the homepage as a Tutoring Services widget, and
    • on the D2L homepage and in your coursepage under the PCC Quicklinks> PCC Tutoring

For more information, contact your local Learning Center Manager, or call us at 520-206-4959 or email pcc-tutoring@pima.edu.

Online Tutoring

Online and distance students can find online tutoring (24/7) through NetTutor in most subjects. You can find the link within your D2L course homepage or (link here).

Online study resources are also available.

Student Success Courses

Student Success courses provide the skills students need for success in a college environment. Academic Advising (link here) can help find a course that is right for a student, such as “How to Study,” “Making Career Choices,” and “Adult College Re-Entry Skills.”

Students Preferred Names

Use of Chosen or Preferred Names (link here) – This page describes the purpose, display and value of a preferred name as “…an important component of [student’s] identity.” It is accessible via the Pima homepage by choosing Student Resources > Student Policies & Complaints.

Students can now update their own preferred first name through the MyPima Home tab by “Update Personal Information” in the upper right corner.


Student Code of Conduct

Pima Community College Board of Governors adopted policy BP 3.31 Student Conduct and Ethics on December 21, 1988, and subsequent revision in 1995 and 2014. The Student Code of Conduct (link here) is available on the Pima website. The Student Code of Conduct provides students with information about his/her responsibilities as a student in regard to appropriate behavior and respect for others in the College community. To report a possible Student Code of Conduct violation, visit this link (link here).

The Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students should also have academic oversight of Student Code of Conduct violations.

Student Complaint Procedure Processes

Pima Community College welcomes student opinions and feedback about our policies, programs, and services in order to make changes that contribute to their success, development, and goal attainment. For more information, see the Code of Conduct (link here).

In our goal to provide quality instruction and service, PCC provides students access to appropriate College staff and administration to resolve questions and concerns about staff, policies, procedures, or other actions or inactions of the College.

Students are strongly encouraged to resolve any concern by talking with the individual or faculty member and his/her/their supervisor if necessary.

If the student does not agree with the initial discussion and suggested resolution, he/she/they may file a formal complaint:

    • with the Office of Dispute Resolution
    • by using the online Student Complaint form

Students can follow the processes outlined on the Complaint Processes (link here) page to submit complaints.

Student Life

Participating in activities outside of the classroom enhances the college experience. PCC Student Life provides many opportunities for students to get involved in activities that interest them and that would be valuable to their education. This includes Student Senate, Pima Leadership Institute, and various student clubs, as well as ongoing events, exhibits, and performances. Visit Student Activities (link here), which provides links to social media pages, or PimaEngage (link here) to find out more about Pima’s student clubs and organizations. Students can also work with a Student Life Coordinator (link here) to get a new club started. Contact a Student Life Office (link here) at any campus.

Specialized Programs

Pima offers specialized academic opportunities (link here) to learn that extend beyond traditional classrooms and boundaries.

Encourage students to apply for an Honors Certificate (link here) with these benefits:

    • official PCC transcript contains “honors certificate” listing, which can open the door to future career and education opportunities after graduation
    • faculty mentoring
    • small class sizes
    • help getting scholarships, awards, and recommendation letters
    • leadership and community service opportunities
    • flexibility to select honors courses that fit into their course of study
    • help entering honors programs at four-year universities

Students interested in studying abroad (and scholarships for these programs) can find more information on the Study Abroad Scholarships and Programs (link here) page.

Access and Disability Resources

PCC’s office of Access and Disability Resources (ADR) (link here) works to promote equal access to the learning environment by collaborating with students, faculty, staff, and the community to promote equal access to College programming for students with disabilities.

ADR provides services, accommodations, and academic adjustments mandated by:

    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) (1973), the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)(ADA).
    • Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)(ADA).
    • Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (2008)(ADAAA).
    • Accommodations related to pregnancy, in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act (Title IX)(1972).

ADR provides training to faculty and staff on using inclusive design principles for creating accessible materials and environments and inclusive teaching approaches for students with disabilities.

Students, faculty and staff members with disabilities can request training or installation of access technology (link here).

ADR holds virtual office drop-in hours (link here) where students, faculty, and staff can connect with staff members to answer questions.

Students can request ADR services by completing an application (link here) or contacting any ADR office (link here) to schedule an appointment (ADRhelp@pima.edu (link here).


The World Health Organization states, “Disability is part of being human. Almost everyone will temporarily or permanently experience disability at some point in their life.” The Social Model of Disability reminds us that “disability” is the repression of people with impairments. The built world already caters to abledment. People with disabilities have to fight just to receive the same amount of consideration. So while laws refer to “reasonable accommodations,” it is more equitable to think of “access rights.” You can find a more culturally in-depth and pro-access discussion from a leading disability activist group Sins Invalid, along with their widely-used framework on Disability Justice (link here).

Please consider making your classrooms as accommodating as possible to a variety of our students and their lived experiences. Please listen to students’ needs to consider how to make the classroom more equitable. Providing an inviting, accommodating, and more equitable classroom benefits everyone and is more conducive for teaching and learning. If you need assistance and support in doing this, please reach out to ADR and its resources (link here).

Approved Accommodations

In order to maintain compliance with Section 504, ADA, ADAAA, and Title IX, instructors are required to provide approved accommodations as specified in the accommodation notice they receive from ADR.

If you have questions, contact the ADR program specialist identified in the accommodation notice.

Non-Approved Accommodations

All accommodation requests based on disability made by students must be referred to the ADR office. Remember that Section 504, ADA and ADAAA may also cover students with certain medical, physical, or psychological / behavioral conditions.

If a student asks for an accommodation and you are not sure if the reason the student gives is covered by section 504, ADA, ADAAA, contact ADR for more guidance.

Students can request accommodations (link here) at any time through the ADR office.

Referring Students

Refer a student to ADR if a student discloses that they have a disability or a physical, medical, or psychological condition, or if a student makes a request for an accommodation based on disability or a physical, medical, psychological condition.

If you suspect a student has a disability or covered condition, you may consult with an ADR specialist, but do not discuss a student’s difficulties with the student in terms of disability unless the student discloses the disability themselves.

All discussions related to disability or a physical, medical, or psychological condition with the student should be conducted in an environment that provides confidentiality.

ADR Resources: Intranet

Note: ADR is now offering virtual office hours (link here). The ADR Intranet page (link here) contains information for faculty on:

    • Disability Laws / Rights & Responsibilities
    • An “overview for you” video
    • Guides for creating accessible resources
    • Request Forms
    • Email Contact: adrhelp@pima.edu (link here)

Note: You must be logged into MyPima (link here) to view the page. Faculty and students can email further questions to adrhelp@pima.edu (link here).

Sign Language

Student requests for sign language interpreters and/or real time transcription can be made through the website or by emailing interpreting@pima.edu (link here).

To Request a Sign Language Interpreter:

Veteran Information

Veterans Centers

Every campus has a dedicated room where veterans, active military and their dependents, can study, print work, relax, meet with others, find support, and attend events. They are open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Amenities vary by location, including resources such as:

    • Veteran Affairs services representatives who provide direct assistance to veterans with their entitled benefits
    • Department of Economic Security staff who provide support to our veteran students.
    • Four-year academic institutions enrollment counselors are available throughout the academic terms.
    • Local point of contact information on Veteran supportive agencies, such as the Old Pueblo Community Services, La Frontera Center, and the Arizona Department Veteran Services.
    • Computer commons, printing services, a quiet room to relax, a conference room for group study sessions and webinars, and a television.

If you have any questions or need assistance with student veterans resources, please contact the Veterans Center at 520-206-7049 or visit the PCC Veterans webpage (link here).

Veterans Benefit Recipients (VBR)

Many Veterans and their dependents may be eligible to use VA Education Benefits (a GI Bill).

PCC VBRs receive an entitlement in the form of a monthly living stipend.

PCC VBRs using the Post 9/11 GI Bill receive a books/supplies stipend, in addition to having all or part of their tuition and fees paid.

Entitlements are based on enrollment periods. VBRs are paid from the beginning of a class until the end date.

Students who receive a “W” grade for a class will have that class terminated from a certification.

A “W” grade can place the VBR into a VA debt situation.

The VA will pay for “F” grades up until the Last Day of Attendance.

There is a Veteran Advisor (link here) at each campus for whom each VBR is assigned.

Faculty with questions or concerns regarding grading should contact their campus Veteran Advisor.

VBRs with questions about their benefits should contact their assigned Veteran Advisor or our administrative staff located in the M Building at Northwest Campus (phone: 520-206-2266).

Veterans can visit the Military & Veterans (link here) page for help applying to the College and using their benefits.

Computing Resources & Online Learning

Pima has a limited number of laptops, tablets, etc available for check out to currently enrolled students. Use the PCC Library’s system to request an item. Please follow updated instructions on the Library’s Updates page (link here).

PimaOnline Faculty Guide (link here) (D2L)
Basic “getting started” information for teachers using D2L

Wifi is available (link here) at every campus for faculty and students.

Computer Software for Students (link here): Free and discounted software

Testing and Assessment Centers

We currently are operating all testing services. Proctored Testing Services are (link here). The Academic Exam Cover Sheet is linked (link here).

PCC’s Testing Centers provide placement testing (link here), challenge exams (link here), and other tests (link here). Remote/proctored testing services are also available.


Campus Testing Centers: 520-206-6648 or pcc-virtualtesting@pima.edu

Davis-Monthan AFB 520-206-4866

Santa Cruz 520-394-7180 or pcc-santacruzcounty@pima.edu

Computing Commons & Labs

PCC has a limited number of laptops and/or hotspots that can be checked out to students for the upcoming fall semester. Students will need to be registered in classes for the fall semester, then they can fill out a Student Request (link here). All campus locations also offer computers in various locations on campus: see this link (link here).

Other Support

D2L Student Support (link here)

MyPima and Email Support For Students

Email: mypimahelpdesk@pima.edu (link here)

Phone: 520-206-4800

MyPima and Email Support For Faculty

Email: helpdesk@pima.edu (link here)

Phone: 520-206-4900

Monday – Thursday, 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

Friday 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Saturday 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Online: Faculty can also submit IT requests for help by submitting a ticket through MyPima:

Log into MyPima

Select @Work / @Work

Select Service Requests / IT Service Requests


Adjunct Faculty ToolKit Copyright © by Sean Mendoza and smendoza1. All Rights Reserved.


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