
Faculty Resources & Community

Faculty Services and Resource Centers

Campus sites offer computers, adjunct faculty mailboxes, classroom supplies, copy services, and usually have a fridge or small kitchen area.

Staff at these centers, located on each campus, and virtual services can help with:

    • D2L/Brightspace
    • Google Workspace (Meet, Drive, G-mail, etc.)
    • Attendance Tracking
    • Other College assistance and referral

Please contact them if you have a question:

Copy Centers

Adjunct faculty can utilize the campus copy centers, which have self-serve copy machines and copy services. Email or drop off documents with the required form at least 24-hours ahead of time. Each copy center may have its own unique form to be filled out, but it usually requires the following information: pages in the document, number of copies needed, whether to be stapled/collated/double-sided, full citation of sources, and copyright approval (link here). However, we encourage individuals and departments to use digital options rather than printing paper copies to offer the greatest access and to conserve our human and natural resources. If you need assistance with D2L or Google applications to support digital access, please contact Faculty Services and Resource Centers at 520-206-6511 or faculty-services@pima.edu (link here).

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC)

The Teaching and Learning Center contributes to student learning at Pima Community College by promoting a culture of exceptional teaching. As integral to the success of the College, we:

    • Host workshops, lectures, learning communities, fellowships, conferences, mentoring, and other professional development opportunities throughout the year

    • Sustain a community of colleagues dedicated to the research, scholarship, art, and practice of teaching & learning

    • Increase the visibility of existing, and promote new opportunities for, exemplary practices of teaching & learning

    • Support equitable working & learning environments to build inclusive classrooms

We strive to enrich and deepen our relationships to teaching and student engagement and we hope to see you at ongoing workshops, webinars, lectures, learning communities, and more throughout the year! Stipends of $25.00/hour are provided to Adjunct Faculty for attending many events and participating contributes to the professional development requirements for tiered salary considerations. For more information, visit our site here (link here). You can connect with us anytime: pcc-tlc@pima.edu (link here).

Our Work

Browse our calendar (link here) and site for offerings and check your email for announcements!

TLC Newsletters: Regular, biweekly emails to share upcoming events and information on topics of interest.

Workshops and Webinars: discuss meaningful topics from diverse presenters.

Virtual Learning Communities (VLC), fellowships, and teach-ins: build community and teaching practice.

Faculty Help Hours: Faculty Services & Resource Center staff offer virtual appointments to assist with D2L, Google Workspace, or other questions.

Adjunct Faculty Institute (AFI): a fully compensated semester-long program of training and professional development exclusively for newly-hired adjunct faculty.

Part of AFI requires participants complete the Online Adjunct Faculty Orientation (1 hour & 30 minutes, asynchronous / self-paced). Compensation is $37.50. This orientation provides adjunct faculty with immediate information about the College, explains your duties and responsibilities, gives teaching and academic information, lists contacts to answer your questions, and highlights the resources available to students and faculty while teaching at the College. You can only begin the orientation after your official work start date on your I-9. To self-enroll and immediately begin the Orientation:

        • Log into D2L > My Courses > Ongoing

        • Or, log into D2L > click on the Waffle to the upper-right > search the list for Adjunct Faculty Orientation (or if available, use the search window to type it in).

Certificates for TLC Professional Development

The TLC offers certificates for new hires completing Adjunct Faculty Institute and Faculty Learning Academy. In addition, we also offer six topics-based certificates (link here) that represent PCC priorities in teaching and learning:

    • Improving Teaching & Learning through Grading, Assessment, & Use of Data
    • Educational Technologies: Virtual & D2L Tools
    • Anti-Racist, Inclusive, & Equitable Pedagogies
    • Global Learning
    • Contemplative Pedagogy
    • Sustainability

To check the current training transcript in MyCareerCenter (link here), please follow these Transcript Instructions (link here).

Attending Workshops

Virtual events

Browse our calendar (link here), choose an offering, and participate by signing up or clicking on a Meeting link. At the webinar, use the link provided by the presenter to access the sign-in sheet, which allows adjunct faculty to be compensated for attending.

For events requiring registration:

    1. Log into MyCareerCenter
    2. Learning > Professional Development Calendar > Select Event
    3. Click “Request” for the specific workshop you wish to attend.


The TLC is always considering presenters to facilitate workshops and VLCs on mission-aligned (link here) teaching & learning-related topics. If you are interested, please see the Get Involved page (link here).

Professional Enrichment Funding

Adjunct Faculty Professional Enrichment Funds support adjunct faculty in meeting their professional enrichment goals. Adjunct Faculty currently teaching PCC classes will be able to request up to $1,000.00 a year for any approved professional development activity. Full funding is not guaranteed.

Funding Criteria: funding requests will be evaluated on the following criteria

The extent to which the training, conference or other activity would benefit the college and our students.

The extent to which the training, conference or other activity would benefit our students with supportive documents.

The extent to which the training, conference or other activity would benefit the applicant with supportive documents.

The extent to which the requested amount of funds will be utilized (the budget is clearly defined as to the use of funds.

The application for Faculty Enrichment Funds (Adjunct Faculty) can be found in MyPima at link here. Please note, International travel requires prior approval through the international approval process.

Following their Dean’s signature, the signed application can be forwarded to the College Faculty Enrichment Fund Committee (CCEF) Chair and Administrative Lead, Brian Stewart, at bstewart@pima.edu (link here). The CCEF Committee will evaluate and respond to the applicant.

Faculty Performance Evaluations

PCC Performance Evaluations for all staff and faculty are conducted on an annual basis and are intended as a formal opportunity to discuss successes and challenges that occurred within the review period. See the Employee Handbook Performance Evaluation (link here). In addition, evaluation information specific to faculty can be found in the MyPima Intranet (link here).

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate represents all faculty in the College’s governance process. The Senate meets monthly and its members may be either full-time or adjunct faculty. One at-large adjunct faculty representative is elected from each campus for a two-year term and serves on the subcommittee for adjunct faculty affairs. Your Adjunct Faculty representative is Dr. Sean HV Mendoza (smendoza@pima.edu – link here) and is listed on the Faculty Senate Webpage (link here).

All Employee Representative Council (AERC)

The College encourages all employees to submit their comments regarding policy and terms and conditions of employment to the All Employee Representative Council. The AERC (website link here (link here) is a group of representatives from all employee classifications serving two-year terms: full-time and adjunct faculty, exempt and non-exempt staff, temporary employees and administrators. Our Adjunct Faculty Members are
Derek Merchant (link here) and Patrick Moore (link here) (Alternate – Sean Mendoza (link here)).

The AERC meets monthly and will review the comments brought forward to determine the appropriate pathway for investigation and resolution. Submit your issue to concern on the online AERC Request form. (link here)


The PCC Library (link here) provides a variety of services for faculty to support research, assist in curriculum development, and enhance student learning:

Library Materials

The Library has collections of physical books, magazines, DVD’s and other media as well as 24/7 Access to online information sources including full-text periodical databases, reference tools, streaming video and audio, ebooks and e-journals.

Laptops, tablets, hotspots, calculators, safety/lab goggles, chargers and much more are available for your students. (Faculty requests for technology must go through College IT with Department support.)

​​ADR technology, such as smartpens, large print keyboards, ​and ​recorders are available in collaboration with the ADR Office. (Please contact a librarian for more information- resource availability varies by campus​​.) ​

To borrow physical materials, bring in your PCC photo ID or another government issued photo ID (like a driver’s license).

Online Collections are available both on- and off-campus through the library web pages and the library tab in MyPima.

Using the Library catalog, faculty, students, and community members can request items located at other PCC campuses be delivered to the campus of your choice. (Exceptions include Reserve material, non-circulating material, and technology like laptops.)

PCC faculty have reciprocal borrowing privileges at the University of Arizona Libraries. Faculty should provide a copy of their current faculty contract to the UA library circulation desk to receive a borrower’s card for free. Check with UA for more info (link here).

All residents of Pima County are eligible to borrow materials from Pima County Public Library. Check with PCPL for more info (link here).

An Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) is available to obtain books and articles not available in the Pima, UofA or Tucson library collections. See the InterLibrary Loan Policy (link here) and contact your campus librarians to obtain materials.

Instruction, Information Literacy & Research Assignment Design

The Library has a comprehensive information literacy program designed to assist students in learning the skills needed for critical thinking and to effectively find, evaluate, and utilize information.

Make an appointment with a librarian to meet with your class and lead sessions on:

    • Research topic and keyword selection
    • Finding books, articles, data, images, web resources, etc.
    • Evaluating information
    • Copyright, citation, plagiarism

Work with a librarian to find or to develop customized course materials unique to your academic student learning outcomes:

    • Subject or course specific Library Research Guides (link here)
    • Screencasts/ tutorials on specific research skills or knowledge
    • Pedagogically rich, scaffolded research assignments designed to work with local collections
    • OER content, supplemental reading/ viewing materials for courses
    • Add an Embedded Librarian to your D2L environment for a richer student support experience. Embedded librarians can be as active or unobtrusive as the instructor wishes. (Reach out to your campus or subject specialist librarians to learn more. (See Librarian Profiles (link here))

Search here for Research Guides (link here) (LibGuides) that are already available. You can also go to MyPima and scroll to the bottom of the Library page to the Research Guides section where you can search by subject area or by class.

Immediately connect with a librarian through the LibChat feature (link here), available 24/7 from PCC Librarians & our Global Partners. You may also contact PCC librarians asynchronously through Ask A Librarian (link here). Both features can also be added to any course in D2L as a widget.

Visit our Faculty Resources Library Homepage (link here).

Library Locations and Contacts

There are five campus libraries, with access to reference help, scanning, printing, and a variety of quiet and group study spaces. Check out our latest newsletter and follow us on social media for updates on programming, displays and other news.



Contact us by phone:

Desert Vista Campus: 520-206-5095 – Library Department Head, Sol Gomez

Distance Education: 520-206-2384 – Library Department Head, Keith Rocci

Downtown Campus: 520-206-7267 – Library Department Head, Emily Besich

East Campus: 520-206-7693 – Library Department Head, Chuck Becker

Northwest Campus: 520-206-2250 – Library Department Head, Monique Rodriguez

West Campus: 520-206-6821 – Library Department Head, Chris Schipper

Copyright Resources

Pima Community College requires faculty, staff and administrators to comply with federal copyright law. College procedures cover a wide range of topics including:

    • Requirements related to multiple copies made for classroom use
    • Creating course packets
    • Using “consumables” (i.e. workbooks, tests)
    • Using online resources

Visit PCC’s Copyright Resources (link here) about requesting permission from authors, resources available without permission, and FAQs on the Fair Use doctrine. To see if the resources you want to use in your class are allowed without needing permission, utilize Pima Community College’s Copyright Fair Use Checklist here. (link here)


Equal Employment Opportunity

Pima Community College:

    • Is dedicated to providing equal opportunities to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or other legally protected category.

    • Will provide all qualified individuals reasonable accommodations in the work and education environment, and ensure equal access to all programs, activities and facilities.

    • Does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment on the basis of any factor outlined above or prohibited under applicable law.

    • Is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination that is unlawful or prohibited by college policy. This applies to college employees, students, contractors, or agents of the College and to anyone participating in a College-sponsored event or activity.

For further information on College policy, refer to BP 5.10: Equal Employment Opportunity, ADA, Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (including Sexual Harassment) (link here)

Harassment and Sexual Harassment

Harassment is defined here (link here) as unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy), national origin, older age (beginning at age 40), disability, or genetic information (including family medical history). Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Offensive conduct may include, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, slurs, epithets or name calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, and interference with work performance.

Sexual harassment is defined here (link here) by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (link here) as “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal of physical conduct of a sexual nature” and;

Can be sexual in one of two ways: It pertains to sexuality or is gender based.

Creates a hostile environment: Is unwanted or unwelcome behavior and is severe or pervasive enough to affect the work environment.

Often involves “Quid Pro Quo”, Latin for “this for that” i/e. the implication that submission or rejection can affect employment opportunities.

Can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general.

Both victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex.

PCC will not tolerate sexual harassment. The College is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, so that everyone can feel safe and perform to the best of their ability, and is respected and valued for their individual contribution.

Information about filing a charge of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is (link here).

Filing a Complaint

The College provides multiple avenues for reporting concerns or filing a complaint of harassment or discrimination:

Office of Dispute Resolution (link here): The Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR) can be reached at 520-206-4686 or resolution@pima.edu (link here).

Affirmative Action & Equal Employment Opportunity Office (link here): The Equal Employment Opportunity office (EEO/ADA/AA) can be reached at 520-206-4686, or eeo-all@pima.edu (link here).

Additional information regarding the discrimination complaint process can be found at SPG 1501/AA.

Employee Request for an ADA Job Accommodation

PCC cares about providing support to faculty with disabilities. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) an employee may request a” reasonable” job accommodation at any time during their employment with the College. Support for each faculty member’s request involves an interactive discussion and individualized analysis to determine effective accommodation(s).

A reasonable accommodation is any modification or adjustment that enables the individual with a disability to enjoy an equal access and opportunity for success. Accommodations are individualized and flexible, based on the nature of the disability and the essential duties of the job.

The College will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in employment practices and activities, including, but not limited to, application procedures, hiring, promotion, termination, training, compensation and benefits.

For information on the process and to request accommodations, visit PCC’s Americans with Disabilities Act (link here). You can also call the EEO/ADA/AA office at 520-206-4539 and email eeo-all@pima.edu (link here) or 504-adahelp@pima.edu (link here).

The Compliance & Ethics Hotline

Employees should take comfort that we work in a safe, secure and ethical workplace. Every employee, regardless of position, shares in the responsibility for promoting a positive environment.

The Compliance and Ethics hotline is managed by an independent company, EthicsPoint, to:

    • Enhance communication and empower employees to promote safety, security and ethical behavior.
    • Ensure that reports entered in the system are completely confidential.
    • Allow employees to remain anonymous if they so choose.

Employees can use EthicsPoint to report observed misconduct, or gain clarity on whether or not something is cause for concern. The College also wants to hear positive comments – things that we are doing well and that could be improved. All reports will be reviewed and responded to appropriately.

There are multiple ways to access EthicsPoint:

  1. Click on ADMINISTRATION at the bottom of the website and select DISPUTE RESOLUTION
  2. Go to www.complianceandethicshotline.ethicspoint.com (link here)
  3. Call the toll-free number 1-855-503-8072. An intake specialist will assist you with reporting.

Wellness Center

PCC Wellness Center (link here) offers employees free workshops/webinars, Yoga Classes, walking clubs, and Health Coaches.


Adjunct Faculty ToolKit Copyright © by Sean Mendoza and smendoza1. All Rights Reserved.


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