
Adjunct Faculty Duties and Responsibilities

The Adjunct faculty members for Pima Community College have duties and responsibilities as follows:

Provide instruction and conduct classes in accordance with the philosophy of the College and within the course of study defined by the department.

Perform necessary educational obligations.

Be familiar with the philosophy and objectives of the College.

Cooperate with full-time faculty members in regard to educational matters.

Attend scheduled meetings called by authorized personnel.

Assume responsibility to keep certification current.

Keep accurate records and submit all records when required.

Meet all assigned classes with adequate preparation.

Evaluate student performance and conduct fair evaluations applied equally to all students.

Refer to counseling services any student whose scholastic or personal needs require special attention.

Adjunct Faculty Terms and Conditions

I acknowledge that I have been advised of and accept the following terms and conditions of Adjunct Faculty employment with Pima Community College District (PCCCD).

Adjunct Faculty are temporary employees contracted by PCCCD for a temporary classroom instruction assignment not to exceed 10.5 load hours per semester. During the three summer terms-A, B, and C, a full-time faculty member or Adjunct Faculty may be assigned a maximum voluntary load of twelve load hours inclusive of all three summer terms. Exceptions to the maximum instructional assignment must have the written approval of the Campus President or designee.

Because student enrollment and full-time faculty loads may not be determined until after the date that an Adjunct Faculty signs a contract, that is contingent upon sufficient student enrollment for the course to be taught and upon the course not being assigned as part of a full-time faculty member’s required teaching load. If there is insufficient course enrollment, the contract is void. If the course is assigned to a full-time faculty member to meet that faculty member’s required teaching load, the contract is void. If there is sufficient enrollment for the course, and if the course is not required to satisfy the teaching load for a full-time faculty member, the contract is a one-semester teaching assignment, with no express or implied future assignments. A contract provides no guarantee of continued or future employment. The payment amount for a contract is subject to audit and conformance to PCCCD pay policies.

PCCCD policies on personnel management, including benefits, apply to Adjunct Faculty only as expressly stated by PCCCD Governing Board policy and as set forth in the Employee Handbook (link here)

As an expressed condition of a contract, the Adjunct Faculty agrees to meet and continue to meet-Faculty Standards as established by the College during the term of a contract and to complete and to provide the following on file with the District Office of Contracts and Certification: Completed employment paperwork to include (1) application for employment and (2) official transcripts, licenses and/or certificates applicable to the teaching assignment. Failure by an Adjunct Faculty to comply with these conditions shall allow PCCCD to terminate the contract.

Adjunct Faculty are expected to perform in a professional manner and to conduct classes as assigned by the contract. The contract is intended to include the time the instructor spends preparing for and teaching the course and the instructor’s time spent to be available to students before and/or after class. If for any reason the Adjunct Faculty cannot conduct his or her class, he or she is held responsible to notify their supervisor, Department Head or appropriate administrator as soon as possible prior to the class meeting time and to schedule an approved make-up class if required. Failure to conduct or make-up a class will result in a proportionate in compensation.

The Adjunct Faculty agrees to perform well and faithfully conduct the duties required in accordance with all applicable laws, policies and regulations imposed upon or adopted by Board for Governing of the College District, including any modifications thereto occurring during the period of this contract. The Adjunct Faculty member’s employment may be terminated for violations of law or College policy, for failure to fulfill terms and conditions of contract, or when an Adjunct Faculty is absent without having given notice and having received approval from the appropriate administrator.

PCCCD Adjunct Faculty are required to attend orientation and workshop meetings as announced and shall engage in designed activities relating to the Student learning Outcomes process.

Adjunct Faculty are required to submit a syllabus to the Department Head, Discipline Coordinator or supervising administrator within the College- or Department-stated deadline, submit the 45th day class roster by the designated date for the semester and submit student grades on-line in accordance with established procedures.

The approved syllabus with course outline shall be presented during the first class meeting. Course expectations shall be clearly stated and reviewed during the first class meeting. Instructional activities appropriate for the class shall be designed by the Adjunct Faculty to accommodate different learning styles. Student assessment materials (tests, quizzes, homework, etc.) shall be returned in a timely manner with meaningful feedback. Grading shall be based on student achievement and competence. Adjunct Faculty are responsible for proactive student retention.

At the end of each semester, all PCCCD materials must be returned. Adjunct Faculty are required to submit a copy of the electronic gradebook and final on-line grade submission to the appropriate administrator by the College established date for the semester. Failure to do so may jeopardize future contracts with the College.

Assignment or reassignment of duties within PCCCD shall be and remain the prerogative of the approving Supervising Administrator provided such assignment is consistent with the qualifications of the Adjunct Faculty.

Adjunct Faculty will adhere to all PCCCD policies that address code of conduct and standards of behavior for employees as found in the PCC Employee Handbook.


Adjunct Faculty must comply with District-specified standards to teach in a specific discipline. Each discipline Certification requires that official transcripts in sealed envelopes be sent directly to the Faculty Qualifications and Hiring office at the West Campus of Pima Community College. Electronic transcripts, also known as E-scripts, should be emailed directly to the department’s email at facultycertification@pima.edu. For occupational certification, a copy of your Arizona occupational license or certificate, and letters verifying employment experience may be required and should be sent to the Faculty Qualifications and Hiring office.

The Tiered System

In the Fall 2022 PCC implemented a two-tiered system for adjunct faculty that affects pay rates for contracted course assignments. Salary adjustments are based on length and/or load hours of service as well as completion of professional development over a three-year lookback period. Tier Two is a salary increase over the Tier One/Base Salary rate. Information is available below with details here (link):


Minimum Requirements

Tier One (Base Salary)

All newly hired, and those who have not completed Tier Two requirements

Tier Two (5% increase from Base Salary)

5 (five) semesters of teaching OR 30 Load Hours at PCC in the past 3 (three) years AND 9 (nine) hours of PCC professional development recorded in MyCareerCenter in the past three (3) years, including the College Directed Training & Refresher as required.

* Base Salary is determined annually by the Governing Board. 2023-2024 Base Salary Rates: Tier One $945.00/credit hour; Tier Two $992.25/credit hour (Note: 5% increase from 2022-2023).


Adjunct Faculty ToolKit Copyright © by Sean Mendoza and smendoza1. All Rights Reserved.


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